Mrs Meads is a professional company director with extensive experience in governance and management roles.
Mrs Meads is currently a director of Port Taranaki Limited, Shipowners Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association (Luxembourg) and Enable Services Limited, a trustee of Christchurch Symphony Orchestra and has several independent advisory roles. Her previous directorships include Snap Limited, Waterfront Industry Superannuation Fund and various Ngai Tahu subsidiary companies.
Mrs Meads has a strong background in commercial and financial management across a broad range of business sectors including telecommunications, property, tourism, seafood, ports and insurance. She has experience in leadership roles and strategic decision-making in uncertain times for long-life assets and has a global business perspective from a continuing governance role and education.
Mrs Meads holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Canterbury. She is a Member of the Institute of Directors in New Zealand (Inc.) and a Chartered Accountant of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
Mrs Meads is Chair of NZPM’s Audit & Risk Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee.